Turinabolos 10


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Turinabolos 10 or Turinabol is the only drug that was created specifically to improve athletic performance in sports, so it is best studied, and repeatedly tested on a large number of athletes.

The main effects of Turinabolos 10

  • Increase power indicators
  • Builds lean muscle mass without fluid retention
  • Does not aromatize, and thus excludes such side effects as gynecomastia, female-type obesity and flooding.
  • Turinabol is one of the mildest steroids, and has low androgenic activity, which eliminates a number of side effects, such as: baldness, acne and increased hairline.


Turinabolos 10 mg side effects

  • The high price of the drug, making it one of the most fake steroids on the market
  • Negative effect on the liver
  • Inhibits the hypophis arc hypotolamus testicles

Turinabol cycle

The half-life of turinabol is 16-20 hours, so it is advisable to break the reception into 2 times, morning and evening.

The length of the course should not exceed two months, in a longer reception the turinabol will no longer give significant effects compared to the first two months and it is advisable to restore the perception of the organism receptors to the turinabol and the subsequent use of turinabol is relevant no earlier than 3 months.

Dosages depend on the fitness, goals and weight of the athlete.

Acceptance of turinabol solo is suitable only for beginner athletes and the dosage should not exceed 40 mg per day.

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