Pharma Mix-6


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Pharma Mix-6 is an anabolic steroid, which appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already managed to get universal love from amateurs to professional bodybuilders. This steroid is manufactured by PharmaCom Labs., Which continues to delight us with novelties in the field of pharmacology.

Pharma Mix-6 effects

Due to the excellent combination of trenbolone, testosterone and masteron, this drug can be considered the best for a set of large volumes of high-quality muscle mass in a short time. Indeed, according to reviews of athletes 1 ml per week for 8 weeks, it is enough to achieve an increase of 10 kg of high-quality muscle mass and relief muscles.
In addition to the beautiful body, this mix also:

  • Accelerates recovery between workouts;
  • Increases strength and endurance;
  • Improves mood;
  • Starts active fat burning;
  • Enhances libido;
  • Strengthens joints and ligaments;


How to take Pharma Mix-6 instruction

Remember that this mix, like any other, should not be taken on the first course. This can cause problems for which you will not be prepared due to inexperience.

If you are a beginner and only get acquainted with pharmacom mixes, you should start with 500 mg (1 ml) per week and continue the course for 8 weeks. This will be enough to add 10 or more kilograms of muscle mass, improve your strength and increase your endurance. Beginners should not exceed these dosages due to inexperience.

From 2 weeks of the course you need to pass an analysis on estradiol and prolactin. If these analyzes are too high or are at the limits of the reference values, you should start taking Anastrozole. Anastrozole 0.5 tab. every 3 days. Every two weeks we take tests for estradiol and prolactin. We follow the level of these hormones in order to adjust the dosage of AI (aromatase inhibitors) and PI (prolactin inhibitors) up or down.

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