Pharma 3 Tren 200


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Pharma 3 Tren 200 or TriTren – the most powerful new anabolic steroid of all known today. By the time of stabilization of androgen receptors in muscle cells, testosterone exceeds three times. It is used both for weight gain and for drying, depending on the accompanying drugs, nutrition and methods of training. It includes three different ethers for the duration of the decay, thereby maintaining a high and stable concentration of the substance in the blood throughout the duration of the action.


  1. Trenbolone acetate 60 mg – 1-2 days half-life
  2. Trenbolone enanthate 80 mg – half-life of 6-7 days
  3. Trenbolone cyclohexylmethyl carbonate 60 mg – half-life of 12 days


When taking TriTren with testosterones, in a short time, the power indices grow noticeably, the muscles become elastic and relief, and due to the increase in the level of IGF-1 in the blood, the appetite grows. Trenbolone helps to cope with overloads, quickly restore the body and overcomes the effect of overtraining. In terms of its performance, TriTren can be compared only with the Oxymetalone, but in its effectiveness leaves it far behind.

TriTren quickly turns on in work and does not load your organism with hormonal surges. It also increases metabolism, gives a constant feeling of hunger and at the same time effectively burns fat. Libido grows strongly, in some cases, the desire to have the opposite sex turns into an obsessive desire.

Side Effects of TriTren

  1. Insomnia
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Increased aggression
  4. Acne
  5. Hair Loss
  6. Uncontrolled growth of libido

TriTren dosage

TriTren does not require frequent injections, and in cases of need you can easily increase the concentration in the blood, making, for example, not two injections a week in one cube (200 mg each), but let’s say two, the concentration in the bag will increase to an incredible 800 mg per week .

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