Testorapid (ampoules)

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Testorapid (ampoules) or Testosterone propionate – an anabolic steroid, is the fastest testosterone ester. This drug is quite popular among athletes of power sports, and especially in demand in bodybuilding. Among athletes, propionate is considered a relatively soft steroid.

Effects of Testosterone Propionate

  1. Increase in skeletal muscle mass.
  2. Rapid filling of muscles with blood, an increase in their volume.
  3. Increased potency, libido.
  4. Strengthening the fat loss process.
  5. The increase in power indicators.
  6. Increased muscle relief., Venous.
  7. Compared with his brother, testosterone cypionate retains water to a lesser extent in the body, and is fast.
  8. With well-designed cycles does not affect the internal organs (liver and kidneys).
  9. Does not cause local hypertrophy of muscle tissue, which, in turn, does not lead to asymmetric muscle growth.

Side effects

  1. The manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics (increased hair growth on the body, changing the tone of voice).
  2. Inhibits the production of luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones.
  3. The conversion of the substance to estrogen can cause gynecomastia (a side effect can be avoided with the help of estrogen used throughout the cycle).
  4. Sickness with the injection of testosterone propionate, hyperemia at the injection site.
  5. Increased hepatic transaminase activity.
  6. Delayed trace elements and body fluids.
  7. In women, side effects are manifested in the form of masculinization (virilization), which provides for increased growth of hair on the body and face, coarsening of the voice, the manifestation of other secondary male sexual characteristics.

Cycles Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone propionate is well compatible with a huge number of drugs, any athlete will be able to choose a cycle to his taste. Cycles include antiestrogens, and at the end – post-cycle therapy. We advise you to carefully exit the cycle, using whey protein, amino acids, omega-3, so that the gained weight does not go away.

Cycle №1

Gradual, stable muscle buildup.

Duration: 6 weeks.
Dosage: 100 mg testosterone propionate 3 times a week +200 mg Retabolyl 1-2 times a week.
Effect: A set of high-quality muscle mass.

Cycle №2

Cycle for cutting. Using this cycle as an example, we see how synergy manifests itself. This means that the effect of the combination of two drugs is several times greater than the effect of the separate use of each of them. Another positive side is a reduced risk of side effects.

Duration: 6 weeks.
Dosage: 50 mg testosterone propionate daily + 25 mg stanozolol (oral) daily.
Effect: Restores the energy tone of the muscles, quickly eliminates the fat layer, makes the muscles more elastic and stiff.

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