Pharma Mix-3

SKU: 12015

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Pharma Mix-3 – a mixture of three drugs – trenbolone, nandrolone, testosterone. The ethers of the components are extremely long, so the cycle must be long. This combination is very effective for gaining muscle mass, but there are several very important points regarding the work of this drug. PharmaMix 3 contains just two progestins – nandrolone and trenbolone.

And if you are not friends with progestins (your body reacts badly to them, there are a lot of side effects) – do not even think about using this mix, it is not for you. You should immediately make a reservation – if you have a fatty layer above the average (more than 15% fat), you can immediately put the drug aside until you figure out this problem, because the risk to feel all the “female” side effects is very great. PREPARATION NOT FOR BEGINNERS!

Effects of taking

  • Significant increase in muscle mass and strength;
  • Accelerated utilization of fat deposits on the background of a calorie-deficient diet;
  • Increased libido with normal levels of prolactin and estradiol;
  • Aromatized;
  • Increases prolactin;
  • It has a pronounced positive effect on the health of the joints and ligaments.

Pharma mix-3 side effects

Do not forget that mix 3 Pharmacom is based on deck and trenbolone, if you neglect taking Anastrozole and Dostinex, then be prepared for the following side effects:

  • Acne;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • Prostate hypertrophy;
  • Testicular atrophy;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Sluggish erection;

If you have a predisposition to these side effects, it is better not to use this mix.
But if you adhere to the above recommendations, the chance of side effects can be reduced to zero. It is also worth remembering that increasing dosages and increasing injections can entail the same negative consequences.

How to take Pharma Mix-3

Before taking PharmaMix 3, you should definitely find out your reaction to progestins. To do this, your shoulders should be, at least, in the cycle  “Nandrolone + testosterone” and “Trenbolone + testosterone”. If the reaction to these ligaments was positive, the body did not respond to the storm of side effects, you managed to cope with the levels of prolactin and estradiol, then you can start taking this mix in the minimum dosage (2 ml per week maximum).

The cycle  PharmaMix 3 should last at least 8 weeks. The fact is that the esters of the components of the drug are extremely long, so the mix will be turned on to work on a “full coil” only 2 weeks after the start of the cycle, and its injections should also be stopped 2 weeks before the end of the cycle. It should start with 1 ml / week, injections are made once a week, this will be more than enough. On the cycle Pharma Mix 3 MANDATORY to maintain the most strict control over the level of prolactin. 10 days after the cycle to pass the analysis at the level of this hormone. If it is elevated, immediately begin taking cabergoline (trade name – Bergolak, Dostinex) at a dosage of 1 tablet (0.5 mg) once a week.

Also on hand is sure to have anastrozole, it will be needed to control the level of the hormone estradiol, which should be checked along with the level of prolactin. A week after the start of taking cabergoline and an aromatase inhibitor, take the tests again, based on this, adjust the dosage up or down. After the cycle, it is necessary to have PCT anti-estrogens (CLOMIFEN ONLY! NEVER TAMOXIFEN IN ANY CASE!)

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