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The active chemical substance of Oxymeprime is Oxymetholone appeared on the market in I960 thanks to Sinteks. Until the early 1990s, this drug was produced in many countries by various manufacturers and was well accessible. Then the situation changed, especially from 1991 to 1993. Many drugs with this substance have been discontinued. The suspension of the production of Plenastryl was extremely painful. Later on, the Spanish market Oxytozone-50 spread on the black market, this gap was filled. When at the beginning of 1993 Sinteks Latina suspended the manufacture of Oxytozol-50, the situation worsened. The result was a fantastic increase in the price of the drug and its purchase by dealers.


Oxymetholone can be used for the following purposes:

  1. The growth of power indicators. The drug significantly increases strength, so it can be used by competing powerlifters and weightlifters. Increased performance is caused by an increase in muscle mass and the accumulation of large amounts of glycogen. True, oxymetholone is bypassed by athletes who try to maintain a weight category all year round.
  2. The beneficial effect on the joints and ligaments, due to fluid retention and increased prolactin, which indirectly affects the elasticity and strength of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. It is known about mild anti-inflammatory effect. It is also noted that the drug reduces the risk of injury in training (of course, subject to working with moderate, not extreme weights).
  3. Reduced SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). This feature allows you to enhance the effect of other steroids used on the background of oxymetholone. In simple terms, we can say that the drug makes the muscle and other tissues of the body more sensitive to testosterone.

Side effects

So, let’s take a closer look at the list of side effects:

  1. Anabolic steroids can reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. Patients with diabetes should be closely monitored for signs of hypoglycemia and a dose of hypoglycemic agents, adjusted as needed.
  2. The emergence of oligospermia and a decrease in fluid volume during ejaculation.
  3. Older men may experience an enlargement of the prostate gland, which leads to obstruction of the bladder.
  4. The development of priapism.
  5. Female patients may experience virilization, including: deepening of the voice, hirsutism, acne, clitomegaly (not reversible), and menstrual abnormalities.
  6. Discontinuation of anabolic steroids with signs of mild virilization can prevent irreversible virilization.
  7. Changes in libido may occur (increase / decrease).

Cycle of oxymetholone

Due to the severity of the action, the drug can be used “solo”. But athletes who want to get the maximum result, it is still recommended to combine with the drug with testosterone. The drug is best taken from 21 years. The duration of the cycle should be about 4 to 6 weeks, no more, since the drug is very hepatotoxic. Initial dosages should be no more than 50 mg / day, and then, if necessary, gradually increase the dosage to 100 mg. When exceeding the dose above the recommended enhancement effect is not observed: on the contrary, the effect remains the same, with increasing intensity of side effects several times.

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