One of the most popular and widely available oral steroids is Dianabol (another name is D-bol). This drug has stood the test of time and remains one of the most effective anabolic steroids that bodybuilders use, regardless of their level of fitness. The name “Dianabol” was coined by the pharmacist for the substance Methandienone. Today, Dianabol is not produced by pharmaceutical companies, but it is quite available as a product of illegal laboratories. Dianabol is available in tablets of 5, 10 or 50 milligrams. This drug has gained popularity due to the fact that, above all, is an oral steroid, ...
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In the last article, we reviewed the best foods for athletes, well, it was the turn of the review of the best supplements for athletes. It will be very interesting! If you are a serious athlete or bodybuilder, you probably know that sports supplements can help you get the most out of your intense workouts and a strict diet. But which supplements? The sports nutrition market today is bursting at the seams like a children’s jacket for a bodybuilder! One could, of course, try to wander through the depths of Internet blogs and personal training guru sites, but unfortunately, often ...
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Big muscles and beautiful body relief – who doesn’t want that? Young and adult, men and women – go to the gyms and fitness centers in the hope of finding the desired “contours”. Multi-day persistent strength training and cardiovascular exercise contribute to weight loss and muscle building. But is that enough? Experienced coaches say no. Some classes are not enough, you also need to observe a special diet and eat foods that contribute to a set of muscle mass. Product Selection Guidelines What kind of food is a welcome “guest” for an athlete’s grocery basket? First of all, it is ...
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Strongman exercises are some of the best tools for improving performance and body composition we have at UP. We all know interval and resistance training are some of the fastest, most effective ways to burn fat and build muscle. Because of that, we have invested in a wide variety of different conditioning equipment to help our clients get the fastest results possible. Prowlers, sleds and farmers walks are a mix of resistance and interval training, for brutally hard conditioning workouts. Commonly referred to as ‘modified strongman’ training, the exercises you’ll find here are some of the most effective fat loss tools in ...
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How do you decide which training split is right for you? If you’re wondering ‘what is a training split?’ it’s basically the method you use to group particular muscles together into a series of workouts. Training splits vary from training the entire body in one session to focusing on just one muscle per session. Which split will be most effective is dependent on your goal, availability, strength, training history, and ability to recover. Let’s take a closer look at some of the options. 1. FULL BODY Full body workout advantages: Full body workouts are perfect for beginners. Beginners are unable to ...
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Sculpting a perfect pair of glutes is at the top of many people’s fitness goals. While many people want great glutes, not many people truly know how to train effectively to get them. With the rise of the Instagram ‘coach’, most of whom have no coaching experience or qualifications, we see a lot of bad exercise recommendations posted all over the internet. You will have probably seen so many glute exercises popping up in ‘booty building’ workouts online – but most of them won’t get you the results you want. But as world-leading body transformation specialists at Ultimate Performance, we ...
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The barbell back squat is an extremely effective exercise, but do you know how to perform it correctly? The biggest limiting factors in almost everybody’s long-term physique development are mistakes in exercise technique and programme design. To help fix this, we have produced a series of articles that will break down and take an in-depth look at the major exercises, starting with the barbell back squat. This guide will cover: Equipment requirements – what you need. How to set up and perform the movement [includes video] Trainer tips on key technique issues. Programme design considerations. Equipment Requirements – What You ...
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A well-developed set of abdominals are vital for two things that I suspect have prompted you to read this article. Firstly, a good physique, especially on a male, just doesn’t seem to quite “pop” without a six-pack, and secondly because of the vital role of what is often referred to as the “core” for optimal physical function, performance, and yes, even health. Before we go any further, I need to admit that professionally I have always found abdominal development to be incredibly frustrating. The reason for this is that we can take a client, this applies to males infinitely more ...
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